
SF Research Institute Pivots To Support COVID-19 Vaccine Development For Minorities

I am a  clinical researcher at the San Francisco Research Institute focused on clinic trials and drug development  in ethnically diverse populations. We have expertise as it relates to differences in disease manifestations, adverse events and drug dosing.


Ethnic diversity has been confirmed in the disease manifestations of Covid-19. With the Covid-19 pandemic enveloping the country we are seeing greater differences and ultimately increased disease manifestations among minority communities !


I am reaching out to governments, ALL stake holders and companies engaged in Covid-19 research and drug development to ensure  representation of ethnic communities in ALL Covid-91 related trials (drugs, vaccine and devices). 


FDA approvals of all Covid-19 drugs, vaccines and devices MUST be conditioned on ethnic representation  due to the unknown manifestations of Covid-19 on skin, lungs, brain and other organs. 


We have conducted 100’s of clinical trials  in diverse ethnic populations, domestically and internationally, and developed novel clinical protocols and bio markers. 


We will make accessible our extensive, globally diverse multi- ethnic database, clinical facility  and research expertise to select partners  in support of clinical trials to the minority community. We plan to partner with large pharmaceutical companies and research programs to drive disease understanding.  


We are seeking investors, advocates  and partners to assist our mission of developing successful Covid-19 clinical trials, treatments, and  vaccines  for the  minority community. 


Please contact me in support of this  noble effort. 



Dr John Ademola

President, San Francisco Research Institute

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